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LinkedIn with Louise

Apr 7, 2021

Fiona Walsh is a PowerPoint specialist based in Cork, Ireland.

Fiona signed up for a LinkedIn Profile Review in 2020 after attending a free webinar. Then Fiona joined the course, LinkedIn Learners Lab to further her knowledge of using LinkedIn for business. Now she gets a steady stream of inbound leads each week. Find out about her messaging strategy in this week's podcast.

Fiona started her business, Imagine Coaching, in October 2019. As a certified coach, Microsoft master instructor and a life long learner, Fiona is well placed to be able to help clients with a number of things. She specialised into PowerPoint training and support during 2020 and we discuss how changing her profile and her LinkedIn activity has led to clients and new business.

If you would like to book your own LinkedIn Profile Review, visit

Click here to access the LinkedIn Learners Lab, this is no longer a live group but you can still benefit from all the training in this online course.

Join Fiona and I live on LinkedIn at 2pm UK/Ireland or 9am East Coast this Friday, 9th April to discuss how you can use PowerPoint in your business.