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LinkedIn with Louise

Mar 2, 2022

This week on the podcast - three things to do on LinkedIn, and three things NOT to do.


1 - stop connecting without a message - take the time to write to someone and say WHY you want to connect with them

2. - Do not scrape emails from LinkedIn and add people to your email newsletter without permission

3. Don't neglect your personal profile - take a moment to look at your About Summary - is it up to date and would it entice me to want to have a chat with you about your business?


What you can do:

1.  Start posting ONCE a week on your profile - let's hear from you

2. Connect with two to three people per day for the next four weeks with a message and start building up a good network around you

3. Learn one thing about using LinkedIn each week.   You can tune into podcasts like this one, or check out for video tutorials.

Have fun!