Feb 11, 2019
Social Bee Podcast Episode 70 – From one-to-one to one-to-many, with Jane McClenaghan of Vital Nutrition
Is your business currently operating on a one-to-one, consultation basis? Are you wondering how you could transition to a one-to-many model?
In a world where everything is online, do you ever wonder whether face-to-face networking and events can still move the dial for your business?
If this is you, then you’re going to love this interview with Jane McClenaghan. Jane is an experienced and established Nutritional Therapist who has helped thousands of people make easy, manageable changes to their diets for the good of their health. Keen to help more people, over the years, Jane has transitioned from a one-to-one, consultation-based business model to running face-to-face group workshop for corporate companies and themed online webinars for groups of people with similar interests. Tune in to find out what worked for Jane’s business and how she has become a trusted voice and authority in her industry.
You will learn…
More about Jane McClenaghan:
Jane’s website – Vital Nutrition.
Jane on Facebook.
Jane on Instagram.
More about me.
My membership: The Social Bee Academy.
If you enjoyed this episode and want to find out more about how you can work with me, head over to my website or email me at louise@socialbeeni.com.
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