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LinkedIn with Louise

Oct 28, 2017

Susan is an international keynote speaker, a financial trainer and a Chartered Financial Analyst. Susan discussed her Savvy Women Online business, her Savvy Teen Academy and how she approaches everything with a positive mindset. Nothing stops Susan from getting out of bed every morning!

Oct 22, 2017

Neera Sharma used to drive four hours daily to her job in London from Birmingham. After her two sons were born, Neera was looking for some educational learning toys that were aimed at parents rather than teachers - and couldn't find any. So she created her own. Gifts for little hands was born

We talk about how Neera...

Oct 14, 2017

Pauline challenges women to deal with their emotional blocks to change their lives both personally and in business. Talking about emotional fitness, personal development and how in our 30's women bend, sway and sometimes they break.

Oct 14, 2017

Jo Hanby is a business coach with a positive mindset - from having to learn to walk again following an accident, find out how she started and manages multiple businesses and works with other women to teach them how to do the same.

Oct 9, 2017

From corporate career to freelance copywriting to kickstarting businesses for other women entrepreneurs-in-waiting. Hannah has built up an online magazine with over 60,000 views per month for women who want to start a business.