Jun 24, 2020
Do you think your business is too niche for LinkedIn? Do you hold
off using the platform because you don’t think it will work for the
type of business you run?
Time to think again!
This week on the podcast, I interview US-based Culinary Brand and
Anniversary photographer Amanda Richardson. Amanda helps...
Jun 17, 2020
Do you feel brave enough to show your personality on social
media? Are you absolutely clear on what you stand for and what sets
you apart from the competition? And do you use storytelling as a
tool to build trust in your marketing?
This week on the podcast, I interview chartered marketer Nicole
Osborne. Nicole is a...
Jun 10, 2020
How to connect with your ideal audience on LinkedIn, with Amy
Who are you connected with on LinkedIn? Is your network made of
people who you feel you can build relationships with and who
understand you and your business?
Are you specific enough about who you connect and work with?
This week on the podcast, I...
Jun 3, 2020
On this week’s podcast, I interview Amanda Webb of Spider Working. We discuss the ‘Content gremlin’ – the little gremlin that sits on your shoulder and tells you to start creating content and sharing it all over the internet.
Amanda works with people who’ve got all those bits and pieces up and running, and I...