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LinkedIn with Louise

Jan 26, 2022

Are you posting on LinkjedIn and feeling despondent about the lack of comments?

Don't despair - keep your consistency up and be assured that people ARE noticing your content - they just aren't interacting with it.

How can you change this?   Sign up to work with me in your VIP session and with some tweaks, we can get you...

Jan 19, 2022

Have you started a LinkedIn newsletter yet?  Do you know about them?   Come and sign up for mine so you can see what they are alla bout - and look for Articles. 

In this week's episode, I give an update as to how much engagement the newsletters are actually bringing *a lot* and why...

Jan 8, 2022

The answer is both yes and no.

You cannot choose specifically who sees your posts on your personal profile, remember this is your professional business network, not a list of your friends and family.

There ARE some tweaks you can make - whether it is only your connections who see your post, or the wider online...