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LinkedIn with Louise

Dec 6, 2023

Keep rocking LinkedIn by taking control of your personal branding and exploring the new platform features. In this episode, my guest, Kevin D. Turner, shares invaluable insights on enhancing your LinkedIn profile. Discover the power of making small but impactful changes, leveraging LinkedIn’s AI features, and the power of free resources for your network.

How to Use AI on LinkedIn

  1. You can use AI to write your headline and personal summary.
  2. Use AI as a starting point for creating more personal posts.
  3. The more you use LinkedIn’s built-in AI features, the more it will learn your writing style.

Enhancing Your LinkedIn Profile with Personal Branding

Showcasing your personal brand on LinkedIn is something we can all do more of. My guest, Kevin D. Turner, shares his thoughts on how you can keep rocking LinkedIn by showcasing your personality on the platform. As Kevin says, If you don’t own your own brand, someone is going to own it for you.

One thing you can do that makes a big difference is to make little changes to your LinkedIn profile. As a personal branding expert, Kevin encourages you to utilise LinkedIn’s built-in AI features to help sharpen your profile and make it more accessible to recruiters and other search engines.

It’s also really important to create free resources for your network. When you’re inundated with messages and requests, having a YouTube channel, course, blog, or LinkedIn newsletter, to name a few, provides valuable content while saving you time – and establishing yourself as an expert in your field.

The Future of AI and LinkedIn

LinkedIn continuously introduces new features and updates to enhance user experience. However, as Kevin points out, these updates are not rolled out to everyone at the same time. Understanding how LinkedIn’s rollouts work and why they adopt this approach is important.

One of Kevin’s favourite new features is LinkedIn’s built-in AI. One feature that’s still in development is the AI-powered headline and personal summary generator. You can also use this AI as a starting point for creating tailored content to post.

LinkedIn has also launched an exciting new AI-powered Job Seeker Coach, which aims to provide personalised guidance for people seeking employment on LinkedIn.

How do you show up on LinkedIn? Have you explored any of LinkedIn’s AI features yet? I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments on the episode page.

In This Episode:

  • How rollouts work on LinkedIn [12:00]
  • Why LinkedIn doesn’t roll out updates to everyone at the same time [13:00]
  • Why it’s important to create free resources [19:30]
  • How to make LinkedIn more accessible and inclusive [21:15]
  • How little changes to your LinkedIn profile can make a huge difference [26:00]
  • Some of the best new LinkedIn features [31:00]
  • The best way to use AI on LinkedIn [33:00]
  • How LinkedIn became profitable in year one [35:00]

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